Beyond Youth Custody

Theme: Family

Working together to tackle reoffending

19 July 2016 | Blog

Pippa talks about how cross boundary and departmental working, effective co-ordination of services and involvement of the family can facilitate the personalised care that is needed to reverse the current debilitating trends of high reoffending rates of young people leaving custody

“Families provide hope… that thread of continuity that everything’s going to be OK, that they’ll get through it”

19 July 2016 | Blog

Pact is a national charity which provides practical and emotional support to prisoners, their children and their families. Jo Mulcahy spoke to us about the importance of family ties and the benefits of the resettlement conferencing that Pact introduced for young people in custody in 2012. This is an edited version of that interview

“The only thing that supported me through my whole experience is the support from the people around me”

19 July 2016 | Blog

Simon talks about his experience of how family support, facilitated by the secure unit, helped him turn his life around


19 July 2016 | Case studies

Curtis and his partner Emma both have experience of custody and drug dependence. Emma’s mum helps them look after their children


19 July 2016 | Case studies

When Lance was younger, his family were supported by his local youth offending service (YOS). As an adult under probation, this no longer happens


19 July 2016 | Case studies

Lee’s mum is under pressure to stop visiting him. He’s about to lose what family he has. Lee doesn’t know that yet


19 July 2016 | Case studies

Shelley wouldn’t call her ex-friends a gang but some might see it like that. She had no family to speak of. As a care leaver, social services were supposed to support her – Shelley’s case worker showed her how to ask for what she needed


19 July 2016 | Case studies

Tyler’s mum was scared of her son and the dangers he brought into their home. Tyler and a number of his associates were arrested for attacking another young man. The fall-out brought the situation to a head

The importance of unlocking family support to help young people leaving custody

19 July 2016 | Posts

Beyond Youth Custody’s (BYC) new resources – ‘The role of family support in resettlement: a practitioner’s guide’ and ‘The role of family support in resettlement: a policy briefing’ – explore the important role that families can play in supporting young people who are released from custody

The role of family support in resettlement: a policy briefing

19 July 2016 | Publications

This policy briefing summarises discussions and recommendations from Beyond Youth Custody’s policy roundtable event on the role of family support in resettlement

The role of family support in resettlement: a practitioner’s guide

19 July 2016 | Publications

This practitioner’s briefing explores the family’s unique position to fulfil key characteristics that research has shown are associated with effective resettlement support


Resettlement of young offenders: informing practice, improving outcomes